The Interview at Sea selection and finalist at the Nebrodi Cinema DOC International Festival

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Back to Sicily and this time we are finalists!

After Ortigia and Cefalù, the NEBRODI CINEMA DOC INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL is the third Sicilian festival wanting The Interview at Sea among its films. In this case, after the selection, we were even notified of the change in status, from official selection to “Finalist.” In other words, The Interview at Sea is among the films that will be screened during the festival and among the small group of finalists in the competition.

The Nebrodi Cinema DOC International Festival (formerly the Nebrodi Cinema DOC Film Review) has a motto by which it summarizes its philosophy: “A story to tell, a world to change.”

“to promote independent cinema in all its forms and content, pay special attention to issues related to territories, minor, often forgotten stories, environmental protection, social and solidarity. The festival encourages the participation of those that in the variety of cinematic languages, expressive, form and content, are capable of generating in viewers questions, reflections, emotions, useful for the growth of social, cultural and environmental awareness.”

nebrodi cinema doc slogan

The Nebrodi Cinema DOC International Festival takes place among the squares of Naso, in the first hinterland of the Nebrodi Mountains, in the province of Messina.

The date for the final stage is October 7-13. Of course, we will do everything to be there!

Stay tuned for all the details and for the program of the festival that is expected to be presented in the coming weeks.

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