The tale of Ortigia Film Festival. The interview at sea and its director between squares and castles by the sea

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Chronicle of three beautiful days in spectacular locations. Interviews with Ludovico Ferro, author of The Interview at Sea, and a lovely recognition

It is not easy to be able to attend a festival, even when the festival selects and values your film

An author would always like to be there when their film is screened. However, it is often impossible to fit commitments and travel together. This is happening to us as well, but it did not happen at the Ortigia Film Festival, where Ludovico Ferro (the author of The Interview at Sea) managed to be present for the last three days of the event.

Ortigia collage

As luck would have it, a flight was available from Brussels that arrived directly in Catania on the afternoon of July 11. Again luck was on our side and there were no delays or hiccups, so the director of our film arrived just in time to attend the press conference and cocktail party at the OFF space in the Logoteta arena in the Giudecca part of Ortigia. It was in this picturesque corner of Ortigia that the various guests and organizers of the event gathered each evening for moments of both interviews and photo ops, but also to socialize and sip cocktails before the evening screenings that also took place in the nearby Minerva arena and at the Maniace Castle area at the extreme tip of the island.

Here, The Interview at Sea had its first official meeting with the audience. Despite some technical issues in the theater (which can always happen), it was an experience to be remembered for the great affection shown and the sincere interest in the issues our film addresses.

Ortigia website page

Unexpectedly, the following day we were informed of the intention of the festival’s artistic direction to organize an extraordinary screening of our film (the only film in its section The Voice of the Sea) on the final evening of Saturday, July 13 from 11 p.m. in the Logoteta arena. The chronicle of the day can be seen here.

Ortigia interview

Indeed, great excitement and beautiful awards for The Interview at Sea at the Ortigia Film Festival.
But this is just the chronicle of three wonderful days. In a future article we will also tell about the event from the point of view of the many contents and prizes awarded.
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