The interview at Sea and film festivals

  • Reading time:2 mins read

The film’s distribution route has begun, with five selections at as many Italian and international festivals and a very special screening

The festival distribution path of a film is a very long process that takes at least a year and a half on average. It starts with a thoughtful schedule of submissions and then awaits the long work of festival selections. Indeed, we had announced the start of the process a year ago, but the production phase finally ended in December 2023. The Interview at Sea will make its absolute debut about six months after the start of its journey through Italian and foreign festivals.

Overall, five festival selections have already been announced, but only the first two are official and we can now announce them in these pages and in future articles. It starts with the prestigious Ischia Film Festival and will continue in a tight schedule with two more festivals, one Italian and equally prestigious (the official announcement was made on Friday, June 24) and another foreign, specifically Icelandic.

As expected, The Sea Interview has attracted the attention of those festivals that have a particular interest in issues related to the sea, the environment and labor.

The news is still covered by a press embargo but will not be for long. However, we can already announce that the film will participate in a special screening at a collateral event of one of the world’s most important festivals.

It has taken some time, but the navigation has finally begun. We will see in the coming months how far we can go!

shipboard fishing boat in navigation - festival selections