Official selection of The Interview at Sea at Labour Film Festival

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Cinema, Environment, Work, Society. Screening of The Interview at Sea in Milan on Oct. 3 in the longest-running and most significant festival dedicated to labor issues.

The Interview at Sea is a film dedicated to the fishing industry and more specifically to work at sea. There are very few festivals in the world that specialize in labor issues. In Italy there are only two, and Labour Film Festival is by far the first in terms of longevity even on a global level.

In fact, the festival, which is also a review of independent and non-independent world cinema on labor issues, is turning 20 years old.

Among the supporters and organizers is also Cisl of the Lombardy region. So even here The Interview at Sea is at home!

Here is the festival program.

labour program

The Interview at Sea has been selected for the LABOUR.DOC category dedicated to independent documentaries dealing with labor issues.

The festival will take place from September 9 to October 17 at the Rondinella theater in Milan.

The appointment with The Interview at Sea is set for Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. Director Ludovico Ferro will meet the audience before the screening.

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